American workers have been on the receiving end of an onslaught of astonishing proportions, all of it caused by the bourgeoisie which considers the rest of the population to be a free-fire zone. In past months, the extra-juridical executions of black people by the police, the deaths of a quarter of a million people from Covid-19, the accelerated impoverishment brought about by the economic crisis and the refusal to send relief to the unemployed and hungry have intensified social distress. Added to which the elections and events around them have seemingly bludgeoned the population into the most extraordinary mindsets.
Clearly, faced with this barrage, the workers have been on the defensive. So, how do we assess their ability to fight back? To do this we have to unravel several themes in the social situation; in so doing we encounter its several unusual features.
Racism, Plague and Poverty
Throughout American history, racism has been an integral part of the social reality and as capitalism developed so this poison was used to divide the working class. The US party system with its Republican and Democratic organisations have each had what we might label their progressive and reactionary wings. But, especially since the Nixon era, their alignments have moved.
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