The first lesson is that the capitalist system is incapable of leading us through the crisis today and those to come.
It is not just that most of our government leaders are craven bastards, shameless liars, and
incompetent imbeciles. That, of course, is what they mostly are and none more than those leading the “greatest capitalist power” — the U.S. It’s not just that politicians are making money in the stock market with insider information while others, unprepared, are left to die. It’s not just that billionaires are raking in even more billions, safe on their offshore yachts. It’s not just that the so-called bailouts are hijacked by special interests and mostly help the banks. Trickling down to whom? Not even the much-vaunted small businesses. It’s not just that we are living in a new “feudalism,” where some are lucky enough to have “lords” (or “governors”) who want to cushion the effect of the crisis on the citizens of their fiefdom, while others manifestly don’t give a damn who dies as long as tattoo parlors open up. It’s not just that people are so starved for any real information about the virus that they make heroes out of the “representatives” of the “scientific establishment” they see paraded before them, muzzled by the politicians, the ovens.
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