While many on the left of the political spectrum, including pseudo-radicals like Slavoj Zizek, are cheerleading the Nato-camp in the interimperialist slaughter in Ukraine, others see the US as the chief instigator of the war and claim that the violence could be avoided, that Europe and Russia could work it out if Europe would stop behaving so slavishly to the US, if it could regain its sovereignity. Patrick Lawrence is a representant of the latter current. His recent essay, “The Self-Destruction of Europe”, got quite some attention.

The trigger for that piece was the leaks in late September in Russia’s main gas pipelines to Germany, Nord Stream 1 and 2, which were almost certainly caused by an attack which, experts agree, could only have been carried out by a state actor.

Baltic sea, September 28

Lawrence rightly accuses the media of paying little attention to the attack but he himself devotes only a few paragraphs to it. Rather sloppy paragraphs, moreover. Sources are missing (e.g., about the unnamed German minister who allegedly said that his government knows who the perpetrators are but can’t disclose it) and the claim that the transport of Russian gas to Europe has stopped is false.  

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