No War in Gaza! Fight the Nightmare Which Haunts Us All!

War is the climax of the nightmare in Gaza. We hear the numbers rise every day, but the losses are immeasurable. Like many of the past 50 years, it is an asymmetric war, which in this case means that one side’s troops first enter a home to kill an entire family, while the other can rain down bombs to the same end. Asymmetry means that many more Gazans have been murdered than Israelis, as they are the collateral damage whose lives each army has written off as an acceptable cost. We call for an immediate end to the war, the release of hostages and prisoners, an end to the blockade. We call to build international solidarity against warmongers and nation-builders.

We refuse the language of right to the land, of border legitimacy, and of national security. The rallying cries and waving flags hide the truth: we are being tricked, bribed, or forced into the wars of our masters. We refuse to excuse mass murder in the name of “justice”, “resistance”, or “defense”. War can never bring peace or freedom beyond the peace of a graveyard and the freedom to pillage the dead.  

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Belicistas de izquierda y de derecha

El mundo observa horrorizado como uno de los ejércitos más avanzados del mundo destruye una zona urbana cerrada en gran parte indefensa como si disparara a peces en un barril. No es de extrañar que exista una indignación generalizada y un llamamiento mundial para detener esta locura. Pero en lugar de detener la guerra, muchos en la izquierda quieren que continúe, del lado de Hamás. Y quieren que ignoremos la violencia contra inocentes cometida por su bando porque se hizo por una buena causa. ¿Lo fue?

Los apologistas de Hamás afirman que su ejército es un luchador autóctono que se alza por la libertad contra una potencia colonial y que la historia de las guerras coloniales demuestra que estos conflictos son inevitablemente brutales, con muchas víctimas inocentes en ambos bandos. Depende de los “luchadores por la libertad” el decidir como libran su lucha, afirman, y quienes apoyan la liberación del “pueblo palestino” no deberían cuestionar sus métodos. Sobre todo si son blancos y viven en países que tenían colonias. La vergüenza por el comportamiento pasado o presente de “sus” países debería silenciar cualquier pensamiento crítico sobre las tácticas y los objetivos de la lucha “anticolonial”. No están bien situados “para dar lecciones de moral a la resistencia”.  

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Les bellicistes de gauche et de droite

Le monde regarde avec horreur l’une des armées les plus avancées de la planète détruire une zone urbaine enclavée, pour l’essentiel sans défense, comme on tire sur des poissons dans un tonneau1. Il n’est pas étonnant que l’indignation soit générale et que le monde entier réclame l’arrêt de cette folie. Mais plutôt que d’arrêter la guerre, de nombreux gauchistes veulent la poursuivre, au côté du Hamas. Et ils veulent que nous ignorions les violences commises par leur camp contre des innocents parce qu’elles ont été commises pour une bonne cause. Etait-ce le cas ?

Les apologistes du Hamas affirment que son armée est composée de combattants de la liberté autochtones, s’élevant contre une puissance coloniale, et que l’histoire des guerres coloniales montre que ces conflits sont inévitablement brutaux, faisant de nombreuses victimes innocentes des deux côtés. Il appartient aux “combattants de la liberté” de décider de la manière dont ils mènent leur lutte, affirment-ils, et ceux qui soutiennent la libération du “peuple palestinien” ne devraient pas remettre en question leurs méthodes. Surtout pas s’ils sont blancs et vivent dans des pays qui eurent eux-mêmes des colonies. La honte du comportement passé ou présent de “leurs” pays doit faire taire toute pensée critique sur les tactiques et les objectifs de la lutte “anticoloniale”.  

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The world watches in horror as one of the most advanced armies on earth is destroying a mostly defenseless enclosed urban zone, like shooting fish in a barrel. No wonder there is widespread outrage and a worldwide demand to stop this madness. But rather than to stop the war, many leftists want to continue it, on the side of Hamas. And they want us to ignore the violence against innocents committed by their side because it was done for a good cause. Was it?

The apologists of Hamas claim that its army are indigenous freedom fighters rising up against a colonial power and that the history of colonial wars shows that these conflicts are inevitably brutal, with many innocent victims on both sides. It is up to the ‘freedom fighters” to decide how they wage their struggle, they claim, and those who support the liberation of “the Palestinian people” should not question their methods. Especially not if they are white and living in countries which had colonies themselves. Shame about the past or present behavior of “their” countries should silence any critical thought on the tactics and goals of the “anti-colonial” struggle. They are not well placed “to hand out moral lessons to the resistance.”  

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Un mural de Banksy en Gaza

En el primer día de la masacre sádica de Hamas, las autoridades israelíes tomaron los micrófonos para declarar al mundo que este era el 11 de septiembre de Israel. Y, de hecho, hay algunas similitudes notables. Entre las tácticas y objetivos de Al Qaeda y Hamas, así como entre las oportunidades imperialistas que sus acciones crearon para Estados Unidos e Israel.

Tanto Al Qaeda como Hamas atacaron a civiles indiscriminadamente. Ambos se guían por una ideología islamista 1 basada en mitos de un pasado glorioso y un futuro aún mejor en el cielo, alimentándose de la ira y el resentimiento que la pobreza, la represión y la discriminación producen ampliamente. ¿Qué quieren? Un Estado real, un vasto territorio bajo su control, gobernado no por “el pueblo” sino por ellos mismos, un Estado que encarcela y tortura a cualquiera que se atreva a estar en desacuerdo (como hace Hamás en Gaza), alegando que su autoridad no puede ser desafiada porque está santificada por el dogma religioso. Tienen un desprecio absoluto por la vida humana, incluso a veces por la suya propia. Son una clara expresión de la cultura de la muerte que produce el capitalismo en esta época.  

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A Banksy mural in Gaza

On the very first day of Hamas’ sadistic rampage, the Israeli authorities took to the microphones to declare to the world that this was Israel’s 9/11. And indeed, there are some striking similarities. Between the tactics and goals of Al Qaeda and Hamas, as well as between the imperialist opportunities their actions created for the US and Israel.

Both Al Qaeda and Hamas attacked civilians indiscriminately. Both are guided by an Islamist ideology1, based on myths of a glorious past and an even better future in heaven, feeding on the anger and resentment that poverty, repression, and discrimination amply produce. What do they want? A real state, a vast territory under their control, ruled not by “the people” but by themselves, a state that imprisons and tortures anyone who dares to disagree (as Hamas does in Gaza), claiming their authority cannot be challenged because it is sanctified by religious dogma. They have utter contempt for human life, including sometimes their own. They are a clear expression of the death culture that capitalism in this epoch produces. They are racist, not in the strict sense of classifying people on the basis of skin color, but in the broader meaning of dehumanizing people on the basis of their “otherness”, the conditions under which they are born, like their ethnicity or culture.  

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Sculpture by Tania Font

We publish below a text that originally appeared on the French website Lundimatin. Not because we agree with everything its author writes: we reject in particular her biological-determinist view “that perhaps the root of the problem, and of all the violence that shakes the world, is masculinity”. But we share the nausea she so passionately expresses. Her voice must be heard.


The Israeli government is a shameful entity, a shameless colonial and imperialist power that has been committing heinous war crimes on a daily basis for 75 years. It kills, humiliates and arbitrarily imprisons children and civilians whose only crime is to dare to be Palestinian. Nausea at every demand of the government, its army and its fanatics. Anger and grief at every Palestinian death.

The Israeli government and the massacres it has committed since 1948 are the real enemy, the criminal – and therefore the one that must be destroyed. THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT.

Now I’m feeling sick again. The assimilation of an entire population, within which class struggle, racial discrimination and political differences exist, as they do in every country in the world, the assimilation of this entire population to its government, to its ethnic identity, is fascist, harmful and murderous thinking.  

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The summer of 2023 has drawn to a close. The pandemic is in the lull, ‘normality’ has resumed but the grim atmosphere has not disappeared. The climate crisis is getting worse, disasters attributed to “Mother Nature” dominate the news. But the economic crisis also proliferates. What both crises have in common is that they affect people very unequally. They show that we live in a class society.

The Dow Jones, the so-called barometer of the US economy, has been doing quite well. Those with a lot of money can still make it grow. The rest of us are doing less well. Inflation is eroding wages. Millions of Americans are currently losing their health insurance. There are increasing numbers of homeless people. The gap between rich and poor is widening in every country, but globally, the gap is deepening between countries capable of playing a competitive role in the ultra-productive information economy and all the others.

Mass flight from poorer countries is the result. The information revolution has unified the global economy but at the same time it is expelling many. The deeper the global crisis sinks and the more the information technology increases productivity, the more ‘superfluous’ people there are.  

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An Anti-War Assembly in Milan

On September 15th the Centro di Documentazione Contro la Guerra organized an open assembly called “La Guerra in Ucraina non va in Vacanza” (The war in Ukraine doesn’t go on holiday) to which IP participated. The venue was located in a central nerve of Milan at the COX 18, an occupied space since 1976, also home to the well known Calusca City Lights, now the Archivio Primo Moroni, an extensive archival project of leftist literature. The purpose of the assembly was to denounce the barbarism that is still underway in the Ukraine after 19 months from its inception, with still no end in sight.

The assembly lasted about two and a half hours and the format was very open: after a concise introduction given by the organizers, in which they restated their position of “revolutionary defeatism”1, Sandro Moiso who writes for the journal Carmilla spoke for about 45 minutes delineating the current “world disorder”; afterwards, the floor was open to discussion.

Many people intervened without any formal restraints, stating their positions, adding nuances and posing questions. The tone was never academic and many voices were heard. According to the organizers the modest turnout of about 30 people was a bit disappointing since the aim was to open the discussion of the war to a wider audience and not only to “few experts who are already certain of everything ”.  

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En mayo pasado, por invitación de Perspectiva Internacionalista y Controversias, algunos comunistas de izquierda de seis países se reunieron en Bruselas para hablar y escucharse unos a otros.1 Aparte de PI, Controversias y algunos camaradas no afiliados, estuvieron presentes activistas de los siguientes grupos:

Old Mole CollectiveColectivo Viejo Topo

ex-FOR (Fomento Obrero Revolucionario)

Collectif Smolny

AAAP (Asociación Archivos Anton Pannekoek)

AFRD ( A Free Retriever Digest)

Bilan et PerspectivesBilan y Perspectivas

Cercle de Discussion de sympathisants et sympathisantes de la Gauche Communiste de Paris- Círculo de discusión de simpatizantes de la Izquierda Comunista de Paris

Critiques Grand LargeCríticas Grand Large

Por razones logísticas, no pudimos invitar a todos los que nos hubiera gustado invitar. Algunos de los que invitamos no pudieron venir, pero enviaron contribuciones escritas (como el grupo con base en España, Barbaria). Algunos otros rechazaron nuestra invitación, temiendo que el debate degenerara en una confrontación hostil, o que las diferencias de posición fueran demasiado grandes para hacer posible una discusión significativa. Incluso algunos de los que asistieron a la conferencia tenían los mismos temores. Afortunadamente, entre todos los participantes había una voluntad de escuchar lo que otros tenían que decir.  

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