There isn’t a danger that any time soon a war could start between the US and North-Korea (except accidently, a possibility which can’t be entirely excluded). But the very fact that leaders of these countries openly threaten to use nuclear weapons, to engage in total warfare and cause the destruction of an entire people is significant. To hear such furious language from the North-Korean regime is not surprising. It has been covering up its weakness with bluster as far as we can remember. But it’s rather alarming that its sounds not surprising that the government of the US affirms the possibility of the total destruction of a country. Some eyebrows were raised of course, but there was no massive global outcry over the sheer madness of this scenario.
No nuclear war is imminent but the war of words with North-Korea serves to inoculate us against the idea that it is inconceivable. We’re getting used to the idea that “the national interest” may require it, that those who resist it are “bleeding hearts” or traitors. It’s one more sign of the increasingly destructive trajectory of world capitalism.
Like a school-yard brawl, the conflict will de-escalate. But it will not go away. The position of North-Korean ruling class is defensive, expansion of its territory or markets is not its aim, but it wants to stay in power.
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